May 27, 2010

Red Beside the Sea

Awake! Awake!
Oh the twilight shall flee -
Awaken your hearts to this melody!
Sing! Oh, sing! - Sick.
Oh, the ill habits of man -
They herd their way like sheep around their faulty master plan!
Look! The earth engulfed in flames!
Volcanoes diffuse their wrath -
But all with good intention;
and you dirty, rotten, specimens shall burn in good extension!
Oh, the earth that treads so lightly -
(but plays so seemingly ill)
will stab daggers in your conscience,
and go straight in for the kill.

Nikki Satira

Sep 8, 2009

go home, ghost.

a shadow is enough.

Jun 30, 2009


Here I come, here I go again
throw my own self into the wind;
become a ghost upon your breath.

The road it whispers to me
I'm nowhere, I am nothing;
but a shadow going home.

I've been traveling this way
for what seems like forever,
I know the stars can map my way
but I am lost.

Here I go on the road again,
hitchike across this broken land
become a slave to my own home.

The streets are my only faith
under these stars I lay awake
think I'm never going home.

I've been traveling this way
for what seems like forever,
I know the stars can map my way
but I am lost.

Jun 3, 2009


community, what north america is lacking most.

the idea of a community has a negative association to it. most people, when they think of a community, they think lame fairs, awkward neighbors and crappy 80's has-been bands playing in the local park... but what community really encompasses is a group of people interacting in a common location, sharing beauty, wonder and resources. this entails love, friendship and compassion for other people. this is what we need most in the world. this is my calling.

i am an environmentalist at heart, but it means something completely different to me than what it means to most. modern environmentalism, which is a growing movement in north america, is entirely human-based - saving the planet for the survival of our own species. most people in this movement don't know what it really means to be environmental. they are academics, people who study the parts of a flower in textbooks and in videos - but none of them could tell you what a flower smells like. meaning, they don't really have a connection to the natural environment. if you do not know the land, you cannot understand it. i by no means know the land because i have grown up in a society where i get my food from a grocery store and only get interaction with the land when i walk across a field - but i do understand that i don't know all of it. environmentalists are so set on their ways that they get blinded by their opinions and fail to see any other side. i don't like this because people get hurt, offended or even excluded. the land is something we all have in common - you have cultivate a love for the land by spreading love itself, not hate. what we really ned is a sense of community.

when i walk by someone, i say hi. i say hi because we are not strangers crossing paths, we are people sharing one planet. we need to know and let others know that there is life here. there is beauty here. we are not alone. people are everywhere, they live next to you, they share space with you - a simple hello is a great start to embracing the human connection.

my plan? to practice community based environmental arts - bring the local communities together. i am all for traveling across the world and doing good deeds, but in the end it is our own society that is lacking in luster. in order to help others properly, we need to help ourselves first. i want to accompliosh this by bringing a connection back to something that all of us have in common - the earth. one thing we can share together. one thing that determines our very future.

no more survival of the fittest, no more one man or woman for his or her self - live for other people, embrace the fact that you are not alone.

start by doing one thing - even if the idea sounds completely insane to you. start a random conversation with a stranger. see how good it feels. see how good it makes them feel.

we are all sharing one planet.
we have already destroyed it.
the only thing we can really succeed at is embracing the human connection while the earth is still habitable for human kind.

Nikki Satira

May 22, 2009

The Book of Vomit

A beauty rests against a tree.
Feminine, Soft. Her features,
The sun captures the path
between her breasts
and armpits, kindly.
Curls grace her marble skin
and collapse at her shoulders
soft, and silent.
aches this young girl
to her gullet.

While turning the pages
of a book soaked in vomit,
Soaked in the colourful insides
of another genius, she reads.
She reads the bile and acid,
with her pretty eyes.
She reads the Scriptures,
at her pretty fingertips.

Grass curls around her Toes,
Leaves fall and kiss her Ankles,
the Wind tickles her Cheeks,
The earth is praying, pleading
to be written by such a beauty.

But stories crave Vomit.
They crave the truth, raw
and Undigested.
They crave our insides.
And Perfection
aches this young girl
to her gullet.

Nikki Satira

May 19, 2009

Banquet in the Sky

Our glorious banquet in the sky.
Where our fate remained ill,
yet drunk in its own estate.
Pianists, and Violinists came,
from all over the globe -
to play our righteous tune
As well as some unexpected visitors.
In the dew of clouded minds,
a white bird, no more than
the size of a human heart!
Perched itself below the stars
and tried to harmonize
with our song.
Our feast was disrupted
Until we played louder.
Until we tore open
the bird's gullet
and Consumed its innards.

Nikki Satira

Clay Children

On Badlands,
Surrounded by
Silence and
Children played
in the Coal Stria,
and Red Scoria.

They were young,
Small, agile,
Drawing circles
as suns
without prompting,
Learning, laughing -
and shaping
to fit.

Much like the Clay.

Their Father
Yelled, he was tired
Their Father
Grabbed, their tiny arms
and dragged them into
the car.

He promised them
His lies,
that they would return,
when the leaves
changed colours again.
That next time,
they would stay later
and play longer,
That next time,
He would keep
His anger at home.

Then he wiped
the Red clay
off of his hands.

Nikki Satira

Carbon and Dust

The musty scent
of screaming words,
muffled like mouth-less folk.
Rituals shelved
in static light,
you call them books -
I call them Ghosts.

A collection of pseudonyms
Of fallacies, and truths
Of myths and hearts
On pages,
in Carbon, Words,
and Dust.

In this morgue today,
in this library
of decay -
full of history,
Silenced and Null
It's almost as if
the books are all Ghosts
and were never
written at all.

Nikki Satira